Wednesday, September 2, 2009

update and more

1. Husband found job, full-time, even when the season is slow!!
2. Practice first week really really tough, second week, better, we want unity in our efforts to honor God. We had one new musician this week, thankful for new ones and grateful for the faithful ones.
3. Praying for the committment of one particular person and excited to see where God leads them.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Want to Just Write

This blog is going to simply be a daily or weekly account whichever I can fit in of things going on in my life. I am about to finish listening to the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It talks about many things, but specifically living a sold-out spirit filled life for God. Doing whatever it takes to pursue after Him, being completely in love with our Creator. Something I am trying to make a habit of in the morning is a prayer that surrenders to God.
First account Friday the 14th:
Two sermons in the morning at work, 1 particularly about giving.
Boss unexpectedly gave money for something, was able to provide some concrete things for a person in need.
Monday the 17th: Practice tonight: want to see the Holy Spirit move in our practice.
Prayer request, Husband looking for a job in bad economy, my trust is in the Lord.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

There's a Revolution

The More pod casts I listen to, the more blogs I read the more I am aware of the fact that churches need to be different. There's a church in Georgia called Revolution church. Their pastor recently did a message on why "We do what we do". I loved it. He said we exist to reach the people who don't know Christ. Not to exist to get people from other churches who've been in church their whole lives. This church is concerned with the One, the one person, the individual. no matter the background the past, no matter what show them the amazing redeeming love of Christ. I've been guilty of judgement for a long time, I'd think "Should they be in church they do" (_____ fill in the blank). It's not about me never never never about me, or what I think. The church needs to be a place where people come as is, and get a relevant biblical message that transforms and allows people step by step to become more like Christ. Is the typical church ready to do whatever it takes to reach the one?? Ready to welcome all types of people, people that aren't the normal church crowd. Right now we're looking for a Pastor my prayer is that we have a Revolution in Georgetown, SC, to have a real church down to business and really open up the doors!! It's going to take people willing to get radical and willing to reach out of the comfort zone and start really working for the Lord, and keep a judgemental mouth shut.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Nothing New

What I'm about to blog is nothing new nothing if your a christian you haven't heard a million times:
It feels good to do what's right. A sermon I listened to this morning talked about purity in the church. When the Lord comes back He'll be looking for a spotless bride. I believe sometimes we wonder why God isn't moving in our church services, why do we feel dead and empty sometimes? The fact is there is a higher call to purity in our lives, and the thing about it is it's not just specific areas of our lives, its every area. The only one who can do it is Christ, through repentance. If we would do this us ourselves couldn't stop the work God would do in us and through us. Look around at different areas of your life, what needs to be cast out, is it an attitude, a habit, a tv show? If you take a close look and start weeding out the junk and put it before God we will rise up and have "Life and Life to the full". But the desire has to be in our hearts first!

Monday, March 16, 2009


For some reason this morning, I decided to start a journey through the gospel of John.
I started in Chapter One and didn't even make it all the way through the first chapter, not because of lack of interest but because it didn't take long for God to reveal something awesome to me. The particular verse that hit me today was:
John 1:10-13
10He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13children born not of natural descent,[c] nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

This blew my mind this morning. Especially in verse 12. All who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. Look at 13, not of natural, of human decision, but born of God.

I've read this many times but I have never really read it. If you choose God, you have the right to become his Child, you become Born of God. WOW!, goes along with the verse that says we are a royal priesthood, set apart. We bear the name of Jesus if we are His Child. This should not be taken lightly, it's a responsibility, and a blessing we won't ever fully understand!

Praise the Lord that I am a child of God, set apart, let me not take this lightly or take it for granted.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A word about healing/filling.

Our church/youth group just came off one of those "Over the Top" weekends. We had a three day impact weekend, with some amazing guest speakers. The first night was composed of a worship service. The next day our group picked up trash in the projects, had small group discussions, and then went to an incredible Saturday night worship services. God was moving in the place from the youngest to the oldest. Students who had been addicted to drugs were being broken before the Lord.
Then Sunday came, we had the great opportunity to have Pastor Wayne at our church Sunday morning and Sunday Night. Both very challenging messages, what hit me the most and most deeply was Sunday Night, I would like to explain why.

First off a team of college students and high school students oh and me, were supposed to lead worship that night. We had been up late and up early all of the days and had played in downtown Georgetown, that afternoon. So we were tired, but I can not tell you how easy it was to play. It was like God took the weariness, and the attitudes and tiredness and threw it out and anointed us. It was a small crowd, but the worship at least from my viewpoint was pure and almost effortless. That's where it started, the freedom started to flow in that place. The pastor had us all get together old school style like a small group, and he began to start teaching on the Holy Spirit and his filling.
It was well presented and very simply presented, very down to earth. Then the part of the service came where you start arguing in your mind whether you need to do something. He called anyone down that wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit or needed a healing. I didn't want to go down, But God pretty much smacked me and said Go! So I went down and started seeking it. I said God make this real to me, take my doubts that I had been having for four years away. And I'm happy to write He did!
I also received prayer for my diabetes, something I've been praying about for a long time. I was not healed but, I heard a sermon this morning via podcast, ( I can listen and work at the same time) that talked about a healing from a lady that had severe food allergies, basically could eat nothing. She talked about a period of six years that she went through the motions of church, served, but had bitterness in her heart. She said she was angry with God for giving her this condition. In 1997 she attended the Brownsville revival, against her will, and God moved in her life. I mean literally shook the sin and bitterness out of her and completely healed her and to this day 12 years later is still healed! This spoke to me in a few ways:
1. As long as I have diabetes, I'm going to take care of myself and not be angry about it. God can work with me and through me with this disease and sustain me.
2. Healing is completely possible and I believe one day in God's timing I'll be healed.
3. We serve a Mighty and Powerful God who loves us at levels so deep that we can not imagine

Friday, March 6, 2009

Impact Weekend

Here's the low-down for the upcoming weekend:
First it's supposed to be around 70-80 degrees in Georgetown this weekend which is such an incredible blessing from God.

Friday night:
6pm-till? Youth Service, worship, teaching, go back to refinery to hang out and discuss

7am I'm going to run 5 miles cause I'm that crazy....
9 am meet back up at refinery and do a service project and some bible study
5pm evening service more worship and teaching....

10:30 am Guest speaker from the weekend, speaking at our church
2pm-4pm block party, Where Scott,Derek,Drew,Sara,Lauren,Ashely and I will be playing down on front street
6pm Evening Service, doing worship this night and also same speaker from the morning.

I am anticipating great things this weekend, and for lives to be touched and changed.

I will update on the happenings next week. If you read this be praying for our students as we want to see all the youth grow this weekend!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Do you struggle with this? The ordinary parts of life. The getting up, going to work, doing what we do parts of life? I go in an out of these spurts where I am completely fired up for God, and other days I sit here and try to just pass the day away, as though there's not a living breathing God watching over me. It could be though, I'm just tired and need some diet pepsi!

What I think gets dangerous about thinking things are ordinary is we can get complacent. Take for granted the fact, we have a job to go to, we have all our limbs working, I had choices when I wanted to eat breakfast today. Truth is, I'm blessed beyond all comprehension each day I wake up and do the "ordinary".

The God I serve is never ever just ordinary! Rejoice and thank God today for his blessings!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


A good many of my friends now that I am a runner. Today was a pretty sweet day. For the first time since I started training for the Cooper River Bridge Run I ran 2 miles and I would consider it easy. I'm a diabetic so it's hard to eat enough carbs and to cover what I'll burn off. For two miles I'll eat around 300 calories or about 45 carbs. For a 3.5 mile run I'll eat closer to 60 carbs to cover it. So consequently you don't really lose a whole of weight while running. I usually burn off what I eat. But the after effects of running if I run the downtown loop I will benefit from this about 24 hours after. My sugar will be in good control and sometimes I can go with very very little insulin.
This is what keeps me doing it, It's nice to be able to eat a granola bar in the morning and only need half the insulin you normally do if you had been lazy the day before.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Engaging in Worship

I recently read a blog from a worship leader in Summerville, SC. She talked about engaging in worship. She talked about a lot of times we'll say "God's presence needs to be in the house" for a particular be it a Sunday morning or Sunday night service to go well. Then she went on to say that were missing it all together. I played my bass for a total with practice for like 5 hours yesterday for church. Sure we had coordinated and practiced, but the ones who really got anything from what we tried to do were the ones seeking the face of God. I saw tons of people sitting on the pews, missing it! Totally missing it. God is always availible, always in our prescence. But unless we go after it we'll never get a thing out of worship service no matter how good or bad the music is!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chapter 3

Ruth's at the threshing floor. This is an interesting chapter, Naomi basically tells Ruth to let Boaz know she's available for marriage. What strikes me most about this chapter was this:

10 "The LORD bless you, my daughter," he replied. "This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier: You have not run after the younger men, whether rich or poor. 11 And now, my daughter, don't be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All my fellow townsmen know that you are a woman of noble character.

Boaz tells Ruth, that his fellow townsmen know that she is of Noble character. I believe too that it's not because she goes around saying look at me, look at what I've been through, I've risen above my circumstances and I still trust in my God.
I believe she was meek, she was hard working and dependable. I believe Ruth would've been the best friend you could ask for. I think she's in the bible for women to take a look at and say I should be more like her.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chapter 2 Ruth meets her Man

Oh Snap that's right, in chapter two Ruth meets Bodacious Boaz! If you remember in chapter 1 basically Ruth is chilling with her mother in law Naomi, all man less and stuff but she's sticking by her Mama N. Ruth's in a new land and they are poor. So poor that Ruth needs to go glean the fields, she wants to go
"Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favor." (verse 2) Girl knows what time it is. So she starts gleaning the fields and someone does find favor with her.
Boaz asked the foreman of his harvesters, "Whose young woman is that?" (verse 5)
The harvesters tell Boaz what's up and to which he replies:

8 So Boaz said to Ruth, "My daughter, listen to me. Don't go and glean in another field and don't go away from here. Stay here with my servant girls. 9 Watch the field where the men are harvesting, and follow along after the girls. I have told the men not to touch you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and get a drink from the water jars the men have filled."

He goes on to tell her that he had been told what she had done for Mama N, and He tells her in verse 12
12 May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge."

He later invites her to have a sweet dinner and tells his harvesters to leave a little extra for her to pick up.

When she gets back from gleaning Naomi asked what happened. Ruth tells her to keep staying close to Boaz's servants because otherwise she may be harmed in other fields.

The most interesting things I take from this are the fact that Ruth was willing to go glean in the fields to "provide" for her and Mama N and it was dangerous.
Boaz sees something special in her and shows favor, but not cause he's a man because He's being lead by God. She was recognized for her efforts, leaving her family and going to a new land couldn't be easy, but she did and the Lord showed favor for her.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ruth Chapter 1, highlights

Ruth is one of the only women in the bible that has the "honor" of having a book named after her. This made me think it would be a good idea to really dig into this book so here's what I'm learning from it so far:
In the first chapter of the book of Ruth it gives you background. Here's how it went down,
Noami had two sons, they married Ruth and Naomi. After 10 years, Naomi's two sons die and There's Orpah, and Ruth. Naomi's mad adn bitters she tells O, and Big R go back to your mothers maybe you can get a new man, I'm too old to have any more kids, and even if I did it'd be crazy for you to marry them go back and get you a man!
Orpah, say basically foo, I'm outta here but Ruth Replies:
16 But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me." 18 When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her.

This is why I like Ruth, she doesn't leave her lady. Obviously her and Naomi had a strong bond, and if you read the first chapter she tells Orpah, to go back to her home and her "gods". Naomi believes in the one true God and Ruth sticks with her. Also notice in the last verse, Naomi is still bitter, but follows the Lord and Ruth's right there with her. I bet Ruth was an amazing friend and a stubborn one at that.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Okay I watched the Kirk Cameron movie Fireproof last night. It was nothing short of excellent. It had an awesome presention of the gospel and our need for Jesus Christ. It also had a good representation of a broken marraige that was beyond reconciliation, but with the work of Jesus around them reconciled. If you haven't seen this movie see it, married or not christian or not see it.
We are going to show this movie at my church either on a Sunday night or morning I pray that it's in the morning! I want to see this as an outreach. For people from our church to invite unsaved friends, there kids that don't attend anyone that can benefit from a salvation message or a message about Christ centered relationships.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Depth of the Human Mind

Here's some questions to consider or at least what I've been wondering lately:

How can someone who claims to be a "strong" christian, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, grumble and complain about the church they attend?

Confession: I've been guilty of this for a while now. From the worship to the message for some reason I got this thought that it was okay to bully up the church and it's leaders, when I was a leader myself. For that I am so sorry, I've realized my stupidity and am working on this area of my life.

Why is it that people who complain about what's going on in church, sit there and don't do anything to help make the situation better?

This one is crazy, I mean I'm involved almost to the point where I get worn out and so many people sit back and do little to nothing. Like things like worship services and dinners just happen. This one gets me confused.

How is it that despite of our vast weaknesses and inadequacies God still if we're willing uses us?

I'll say this for how many times I screw up and think that I actually had something to do with something God's done through me, He still picks me up, dusts me off and uses me. For that I'm thankful, there's nothing greater than being part of God's plan and work.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Burger Suit

This spectacular find on ebay is "burger on table". If you can't afford the $725 prof. burger suit this gem is only 79.99. It's listed as halloween quality!

Thoughts on a Monday Morning...

Last night: Youth Service, it was awesome, I mean we didn't do anything special as a band, we did what we do but the Spirit of God fell in our worship service! Without a doubt a priviledge to be a part of! And also we had a superstar named Greg Bryant play electric guitar with us, which added to the fun.

Our church: We are losing our senior pastor of over 10 years. His last Sunday is next week. To put it mildly this is a crucial time in our church. The next leader that is brought will bring our church forward or start a backward progression. If your reading this and care about Georgetown First Assembly pray for God to send the right leader.

Running: I made a feeble attempt to run 3.4 miles on Saturday with a superstar runner Buddy H. (can't spell the last name). I made it 2 miles and had to walk...but kept going. Trying to run 6.2 miles in April. Not sure if that'll happen but I'm going to try.

Blessings: Can I say it's amazing to see God work in people's lives. Right now and the current state of our world its really easy to be sad, or wonder where God is in all of this. But I've had the priviledge of seeing God really move in some of my friends lives and its amazing!! Our patience is so key, surrendering each and every bit of our lives to Him to let Him work is the key!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Find Humor

We sat down with some folks from our church last night and just talked for a while. They are not a young couple in fact they could almost be our grandparents. Sometimes we talk about how works going, and really no one wants to talk about that anyway, but last night I had the gift of hearing a glimpse of there past. They had two children both of which died in their thirties within years of each other. Last night the mother talked about her late daughter. She talked about the medical trouble she had and how she worked her last job until they "made her quit". One thing that kept coming up as we sat and listened to the story was that her daughter always laughed, kept things light, kept a good attitude. Apparantly she never complained about discomfort. I think people including myself take life entirely too seriously. We let a little discomfort, or small let down or an annoying person shift our mentality way too quickly. Her daugther lived only 33 years but she lived those 33 years! I not only want to live but be fully alive in Christ for my shot time here!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year and New Thoughts

Looking back at 2008, it was a good year. I know everyone's like I lost this much cash in their 401k, the economy is in the dumper and all of that. But I have a lot to be thankful for I mean a lot. My husband finished 2 semesters of college with a 4.0 and will finish this year. That in itself is cool cause if we hadn't moved to S.C. he wouldn't have that chance to go to school. I changed jobs and am developing valuable technical skills. I ran a 5k this year, and am thinking about doing a 10k in 2009. I have good health and a great family. So no matter what's happening in the around the globe, in my little area of the earth My God is good and is faithful!!
Prayers for the new year:
1. Tom finishes school successfully and is able to start his own business.
2. I can develop as an engineer and be a valuable employee and a good example.
3. Run a 10K! (Bridge Run)
4. Develop my guitar skills
5. See my parent's get closer to retirement
6. Have a baby...okay maybe that's more of an '10 prayer.
7. Our Church grows and reaches the lost.
8. Grow closer to the Lord, experience Him more deeply.
9. Be the person God created me to be
10. Have no regrets.

These are in no particular order but these are the desires of my heart on January 2, 2008.