Thursday, March 12, 2009

A word about healing/filling.

Our church/youth group just came off one of those "Over the Top" weekends. We had a three day impact weekend, with some amazing guest speakers. The first night was composed of a worship service. The next day our group picked up trash in the projects, had small group discussions, and then went to an incredible Saturday night worship services. God was moving in the place from the youngest to the oldest. Students who had been addicted to drugs were being broken before the Lord.
Then Sunday came, we had the great opportunity to have Pastor Wayne at our church Sunday morning and Sunday Night. Both very challenging messages, what hit me the most and most deeply was Sunday Night, I would like to explain why.

First off a team of college students and high school students oh and me, were supposed to lead worship that night. We had been up late and up early all of the days and had played in downtown Georgetown, that afternoon. So we were tired, but I can not tell you how easy it was to play. It was like God took the weariness, and the attitudes and tiredness and threw it out and anointed us. It was a small crowd, but the worship at least from my viewpoint was pure and almost effortless. That's where it started, the freedom started to flow in that place. The pastor had us all get together old school style like a small group, and he began to start teaching on the Holy Spirit and his filling.
It was well presented and very simply presented, very down to earth. Then the part of the service came where you start arguing in your mind whether you need to do something. He called anyone down that wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit or needed a healing. I didn't want to go down, But God pretty much smacked me and said Go! So I went down and started seeking it. I said God make this real to me, take my doubts that I had been having for four years away. And I'm happy to write He did!
I also received prayer for my diabetes, something I've been praying about for a long time. I was not healed but, I heard a sermon this morning via podcast, ( I can listen and work at the same time) that talked about a healing from a lady that had severe food allergies, basically could eat nothing. She talked about a period of six years that she went through the motions of church, served, but had bitterness in her heart. She said she was angry with God for giving her this condition. In 1997 she attended the Brownsville revival, against her will, and God moved in her life. I mean literally shook the sin and bitterness out of her and completely healed her and to this day 12 years later is still healed! This spoke to me in a few ways:
1. As long as I have diabetes, I'm going to take care of myself and not be angry about it. God can work with me and through me with this disease and sustain me.
2. Healing is completely possible and I believe one day in God's timing I'll be healed.
3. We serve a Mighty and Powerful God who loves us at levels so deep that we can not imagine

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