Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year and New Thoughts

Looking back at 2008, it was a good year. I know everyone's like I lost this much cash in their 401k, the economy is in the dumper and all of that. But I have a lot to be thankful for I mean a lot. My husband finished 2 semesters of college with a 4.0 and will finish this year. That in itself is cool cause if we hadn't moved to S.C. he wouldn't have that chance to go to school. I changed jobs and am developing valuable technical skills. I ran a 5k this year, and am thinking about doing a 10k in 2009. I have good health and a great family. So no matter what's happening in the around the globe, in my little area of the earth My God is good and is faithful!!
Prayers for the new year:
1. Tom finishes school successfully and is able to start his own business.
2. I can develop as an engineer and be a valuable employee and a good example.
3. Run a 10K! (Bridge Run)
4. Develop my guitar skills
5. See my parent's get closer to retirement
6. Have a baby...okay maybe that's more of an '10 prayer.
7. Our Church grows and reaches the lost.
8. Grow closer to the Lord, experience Him more deeply.
9. Be the person God created me to be
10. Have no regrets.

These are in no particular order but these are the desires of my heart on January 2, 2008.

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