Friday, January 16, 2009

Find Humor

We sat down with some folks from our church last night and just talked for a while. They are not a young couple in fact they could almost be our grandparents. Sometimes we talk about how works going, and really no one wants to talk about that anyway, but last night I had the gift of hearing a glimpse of there past. They had two children both of which died in their thirties within years of each other. Last night the mother talked about her late daughter. She talked about the medical trouble she had and how she worked her last job until they "made her quit". One thing that kept coming up as we sat and listened to the story was that her daughter always laughed, kept things light, kept a good attitude. Apparantly she never complained about discomfort. I think people including myself take life entirely too seriously. We let a little discomfort, or small let down or an annoying person shift our mentality way too quickly. Her daugther lived only 33 years but she lived those 33 years! I not only want to live but be fully alive in Christ for my shot time here!!

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