Monday, January 26, 2009

Thoughts on a Monday Morning...

Last night: Youth Service, it was awesome, I mean we didn't do anything special as a band, we did what we do but the Spirit of God fell in our worship service! Without a doubt a priviledge to be a part of! And also we had a superstar named Greg Bryant play electric guitar with us, which added to the fun.

Our church: We are losing our senior pastor of over 10 years. His last Sunday is next week. To put it mildly this is a crucial time in our church. The next leader that is brought will bring our church forward or start a backward progression. If your reading this and care about Georgetown First Assembly pray for God to send the right leader.

Running: I made a feeble attempt to run 3.4 miles on Saturday with a superstar runner Buddy H. (can't spell the last name). I made it 2 miles and had to walk...but kept going. Trying to run 6.2 miles in April. Not sure if that'll happen but I'm going to try.

Blessings: Can I say it's amazing to see God work in people's lives. Right now and the current state of our world its really easy to be sad, or wonder where God is in all of this. But I've had the priviledge of seeing God really move in some of my friends lives and its amazing!! Our patience is so key, surrendering each and every bit of our lives to Him to let Him work is the key!

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