Monday, August 17, 2009

Want to Just Write

This blog is going to simply be a daily or weekly account whichever I can fit in of things going on in my life. I am about to finish listening to the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It talks about many things, but specifically living a sold-out spirit filled life for God. Doing whatever it takes to pursue after Him, being completely in love with our Creator. Something I am trying to make a habit of in the morning is a prayer that surrenders to God.
First account Friday the 14th:
Two sermons in the morning at work, 1 particularly about giving.
Boss unexpectedly gave money for something, was able to provide some concrete things for a person in need.
Monday the 17th: Practice tonight: want to see the Holy Spirit move in our practice.
Prayer request, Husband looking for a job in bad economy, my trust is in the Lord.

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