Monday, November 3, 2008


I am writing this morning a very challenged individual. You may ask from work? Well yeah work challenges me just about everday but that's not why I am this morning. Last night I went with my friend Meghan to her old church in Summerville. I went to get a road trip in and I wanted to see their worship team because Meg had said how good it was. Good doesn't even describe it. This worship "team" and it truly was a team was amazing. Everything on stage was mixed wonderfully there was no one trying to make a show of it, and believe me with the talent they had they could of. Each musician and singer knew their part and played it beautifully. The other and probably the most important aspect was the fact it was annointed. They did a song I'd heard a thousand times before How Great is our God in such a way that got you lost in the presence of God. Awesome! The other great thing about the experience was after the service we were able to meet a lot of the team and they were all so gracious and awesome. Pretty much Sara and I's new hero Chad also let us play his Taylor which made our days! So I am challenged in serveral ways, one I want to practice more and try to improve my novice skills at guitar. But also in the fact that the annointing of God is the most important part of worship, if He hasn't annointed it, it's worthless! Also I was taken back by the humbleness, I hope I can try to get that across to our youth band, humbleness and annointing two key parts of amazing worship!

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