Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thoughts after Election Day

Truthfully No my "candidate" didn't win. I'm not jumping up and down because Obama won. But what I won't do is say things like NoBama, our world is coming to an end and junk like that all over my myspace status. I read a blog from a pastor in Nashville that stated a great point. It is no surprise to God who won last night. He knew who was going to win way before Barak spent billions on campaigning. Our trust is not in Barak its in God. Barak or John would not have been the answer to our problems, our saving grace, anything like that. The harsh reality of our world is that we need Jesus. He is our hope, our saving grace, our provider, our protector, and the lover of our soul. Watch how you react to the election because now more than ever non-christians will be watching how christians react to the election.

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