Monday, November 10, 2008

A Call to Love

First, my forewarning be careful what you pray for! Going along happily in this thing we call life and thinking your an okay person, a decent christian, serving the Lord, then I get this brilliant idea to pray yesterday God, please refine me, please reveal my junk. When you pray that and really mean it be ready for a smack in the face a big one. My day started off with a little two mile jog where I came across a sermon on my ipod that talked about loving your neighbor as yourself. I thought what a great idea, and proudly thinking to myself wow i do that great! But what God revealed to me yesterday is that I don't do this, at least not like God wants me to. I help out with our church youth group a lot I mean I'm at the church more than three times a week doing stuff with our praise team or seemingly something. We run about 30-50 kids depending on the week. Guilty as charged I have my favorite kids I really do I probably have five or six I really invest in. Trouble is there's thirty others that need love too! And you know I don't do a good job of it. Well convicted I am and changed I need to be because each one of the kids in our youth group is uniquely awesome. Each has their own dreams, views, passions, quirks. Each one a child of God. So forgive me for having favorites!

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