Thursday, November 6, 2008

Churches in Indiana

Wow okay for the first time in a while I visited the web sites of the two former churches I went to when I lived in NW Indiana. The first church I attended was Suncrest Christian Church. I didn't know that it had two campuses now, and the youth ministry is huge!! When I went there and helped with youth they didn't even have a pastor it was volunteers keeping it going, now they have a very talented couple leading the pack with over twenty student leaders! Sweet. The other church was Living Hope Church. Its expanding they have a new building project going on. If you knew the before and after of this church is quite remarkable what God does! When I met my now husband I started transitioning to this church and they had just lost their pastor of over sixteen years, the people were devistated. So they got Pastor Lehmann to "fill in" for almost a year and went on a pastor search to make a long story short they ended up hiring Pastor Lehmann, I believe he was sixty nine years at the time. Wow has he allowed God to use him to lead this great church. I'm not going to lie seeing all this awesome stuff happen makes me miss these two places very much. But in light of all of this I'm encouraged because churches don't change overnight and it takes months or even years of hard work to see fruit from labor!

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