Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Depth of the Human Mind

Here's some questions to consider or at least what I've been wondering lately:

How can someone who claims to be a "strong" christian, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, grumble and complain about the church they attend?

Confession: I've been guilty of this for a while now. From the worship to the message for some reason I got this thought that it was okay to bully up the church and it's leaders, when I was a leader myself. For that I am so sorry, I've realized my stupidity and am working on this area of my life.

Why is it that people who complain about what's going on in church, sit there and don't do anything to help make the situation better?

This one is crazy, I mean I'm involved almost to the point where I get worn out and so many people sit back and do little to nothing. Like things like worship services and dinners just happen. This one gets me confused.

How is it that despite of our vast weaknesses and inadequacies God still if we're willing uses us?

I'll say this for how many times I screw up and think that I actually had something to do with something God's done through me, He still picks me up, dusts me off and uses me. For that I'm thankful, there's nothing greater than being part of God's plan and work.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Burger Suit

This spectacular find on ebay is "burger on table". If you can't afford the $725 prof. burger suit this gem is only 79.99. It's listed as halloween quality!

Thoughts on a Monday Morning...

Last night: Youth Service, it was awesome, I mean we didn't do anything special as a band, we did what we do but the Spirit of God fell in our worship service! Without a doubt a priviledge to be a part of! And also we had a superstar named Greg Bryant play electric guitar with us, which added to the fun.

Our church: We are losing our senior pastor of over 10 years. His last Sunday is next week. To put it mildly this is a crucial time in our church. The next leader that is brought will bring our church forward or start a backward progression. If your reading this and care about Georgetown First Assembly pray for God to send the right leader.

Running: I made a feeble attempt to run 3.4 miles on Saturday with a superstar runner Buddy H. (can't spell the last name). I made it 2 miles and had to walk...but kept going. Trying to run 6.2 miles in April. Not sure if that'll happen but I'm going to try.

Blessings: Can I say it's amazing to see God work in people's lives. Right now and the current state of our world its really easy to be sad, or wonder where God is in all of this. But I've had the priviledge of seeing God really move in some of my friends lives and its amazing!! Our patience is so key, surrendering each and every bit of our lives to Him to let Him work is the key!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Find Humor

We sat down with some folks from our church last night and just talked for a while. They are not a young couple in fact they could almost be our grandparents. Sometimes we talk about how works going, and really no one wants to talk about that anyway, but last night I had the gift of hearing a glimpse of there past. They had two children both of which died in their thirties within years of each other. Last night the mother talked about her late daughter. She talked about the medical trouble she had and how she worked her last job until they "made her quit". One thing that kept coming up as we sat and listened to the story was that her daughter always laughed, kept things light, kept a good attitude. Apparantly she never complained about discomfort. I think people including myself take life entirely too seriously. We let a little discomfort, or small let down or an annoying person shift our mentality way too quickly. Her daugther lived only 33 years but she lived those 33 years! I not only want to live but be fully alive in Christ for my shot time here!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year and New Thoughts

Looking back at 2008, it was a good year. I know everyone's like I lost this much cash in their 401k, the economy is in the dumper and all of that. But I have a lot to be thankful for I mean a lot. My husband finished 2 semesters of college with a 4.0 and will finish this year. That in itself is cool cause if we hadn't moved to S.C. he wouldn't have that chance to go to school. I changed jobs and am developing valuable technical skills. I ran a 5k this year, and am thinking about doing a 10k in 2009. I have good health and a great family. So no matter what's happening in the around the globe, in my little area of the earth My God is good and is faithful!!
Prayers for the new year:
1. Tom finishes school successfully and is able to start his own business.
2. I can develop as an engineer and be a valuable employee and a good example.
3. Run a 10K! (Bridge Run)
4. Develop my guitar skills
5. See my parent's get closer to retirement
6. Have a baby...okay maybe that's more of an '10 prayer.
7. Our Church grows and reaches the lost.
8. Grow closer to the Lord, experience Him more deeply.
9. Be the person God created me to be
10. Have no regrets.

These are in no particular order but these are the desires of my heart on January 2, 2008.