Monday, October 20, 2008

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Peace is mentioned 247 times in the Bible. We had a missionary from church last night talk about "worry", she said that if the Prince of Peace dwells within our body, how can worry and unrest have any place. Then I fell upon this awesome verse Romans 15:13, its amazing and tells some important ingredients. As you trust in Him, God will fill you all the joy and peace....Key as you trust in Him. Also, he want us to Overflow with the hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Two keys my silly self has missed! There's no peace without trusting God, no hope without the Holy Spirit. I can work myself into one big worry ball about anything, be encapsulated by FEAR!!! It's so easy to worry worry worry especially now, it's crazy out there. But, Thank God for the truth!! Also one other thing to note, the missionary stated that if where there if fear and worry there is no worship. Key word, I've been trying to coordinate the youth worship team. All along I was trying so hard, and worrying about the stupidest stuff, gosh I'm retarded, I've doubted and not trusted this whole time!! What a waste of time, if we ever want to give Glory to God through the team, its got to be in his hands completely!

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