Thursday, September 11, 2008

Holy Cow!!!

Dang! I am sitting at my desk auto-cadding along and the station I listen to everyday is a christian station out of Chicago, they keep playing the national anthem. After the second time I started wondering what was up, and I look up at my calender and sure enough it's 9-11-08, my first thought was duh!! Then I actually got chills, to think something that to this day I can remember what I was doing when I heard the news, (I was in a very boring economics class at Purdue Universtiy, sitting by my friend Eric). I was messed up, everyone was, now really seeming like a short seven years later, I forgot! I think I'm probably not the only one who forgot until then went to yahoo, or saw the news. But it makes me wonder how other people's lives are marked by such a busyness, such a event-packed moment by moment pace that we forget things, things that we shouldn't.

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