Wednesday, September 24, 2008

2 Types of Training.

Lately, About the only time I get a chance to think is during the glorious noon hour that I usually either take a walk or now....I am running during. If your not an avid jogger or walker or exercise person, my oh my are you missing out. Two things that are amazing about it.
1. You get sometime to be by yourself and pray!
2. 9 times out of 10 you feel one hundred times better after you do it.
Right now I am training for my first 5k I have done a 10k before and was so messed up afterward that I couldn't do anything for a week. Another thing I've been doing for the last few month's is being a regular visitor to I can't tell you what a nice easy way it is to read the bible, I've been through a good majority of the new testament via this site I higly recommend. So 2 Tips from this little blog!
1. Train your brain, read the bible everyday and if your around a computer like I am all the time go to
2. Train your body! Exercise, do it it's addicting and once you start you won't want to stop!

1 comment:

Sara Joy Martin said...

Another great one is
check it out lady! Also check this out!!!!