Thursday, August 14, 2008

Made Me Think.....

So today during my break (of course) I was reading a blog from Aaron Stern entitled "Do you have great friends", and recently in coversations with different people about this very thing. Aaron explained a time in him and his wives life recently where they lost their baby at the 8th month and during that whole time, they had people really support them and grieve with them. He also explained that we were created for deep friendship and community. So here is the question Do you have great friends? Looking back through my soon to be seeming to be very short soon to be twenty eight years of life, the answer is yes, without a doubt yes.
Interestingly enough they come in different ages, nationalities, and I guess denominations.
I'm gonna brag for a minute about some of them (this by all means not an conclusive lists there are too many to count it would take forever). Cause I can, it's my blog.
First Group: (High School cause if I go any further back yeah my brain will hurt)
Lady Amabelle Allanique Masangcay (that is her full government name): She without a doubt was one of my dearest friends in high school, we were sort of attatched at the hip, hahaha and did we have fun! Along with many other crazy people (Laura, Breanne, Bridget, Kelly, Janelle, I'm missing somebody). We also went to college together and until I moved to the dirty south, we lived only an hour or so from each other. She is someone I can honestly say I can go years without seeing and it's like a day hasn't passed we have so much fun, and sure we've grown apart but she was always an amazing friend so if you read this Lady, thanks!
Sara Joy Martin: We started out our friendship making fun of our softball teams in like dang seventh grade! ha still makes me laugh. This girl right here was someone who made a huge impact on my life! She has a great heart and is serious about her God she didn't compromise her beliefs when she went to college and got out on her own, and when she's your friend she's the kind that Aaron talks about the kinds God intended us to have.
College: (there were many amazing people I met in college but I'll mention two that fit this description the best)
Anne Reed: Annay! Ha, this girl was without a doubt someone who showed me what it really means to follow hard after God. WOW! I met her my first senior year at Purdue when we were RA's I remember being a little shy and junk and she was fun and I later found out she was a christian and dang, was I lucky to meet her! I can't tell you the amount of times I spent spilling my guts about junk in my life and she would listen, really listen even though she may have thought blah blah blah....(I know I would've) But she prayed with me I mean really prayed with me, and put me in my place a lot!! But I'm telling you I needed that at that particular time in my life. So Anne thanks, for kicking my spiritual butt!! Hahaha, and Happy Anniversary Saturday!!
Lisa Bramer: She without a doubt is one of the most honest friends I have. Can I tell you that you need these types of friends in your life the one's who will say what you need to hear not what you want to hear. And along with Anne she would listen and still does listen to my junk and cares tons about me!
Presently: (meaning now that I'm in the dirty south)
Sara June Johnson (full government name): This is what I'm talking about when I say all ages, she's gonna be 18 in a few weeks. She's a girl in our youth group, that is the definition of what a friends should be. This kid unfortunately or fortunately can just about read my mind now...It's crazy, but dude she cares man really cares about her friends. Dang so lucky to have had the blessing of this kid in my life! So Sara June Thanks from the bottom of my heart =).
Meghan Bryant Truluk (I spelled that wrong): I'm not sure I've ever become friends with someone so fast! She is not a half way friend, you got her in your life you have someone who really cares! We have lots of fun together and all I can say is I hope we continue to grow in our friendship! Ninja's for Jesus Rule!!!
Tabby: She's a youngin too but she's awesome and has one of the purest hearts I've ever seen! Keep doing what your doing Tab you'll be blessed :).

Two that will always be in my life:
My Mom: She's for real my hero, she is the one who always knows what's up with me and can call me out on the phone if I'm acting stupid. She's my example of a women of God I want to be and a wife/mother. She is the definition of a friend totally selfless and thoughtful, and the best friend anyone could ask for.
My Husband: He is for real my best friend in this world. Even though I get crabby sometimes, he always sees the true me, and loves me. He supports me, makes me feel beautiful, and is an expample to me. I love him with all of my heart, and I can always count on him.

I'm forgetting tons of people but these are a few that mean so much to me and I truly would not be the same person I am without them!
Look around you and look back because I am sure anyone could come up with their life-changing friend List, and just sit there and be amazed at How God Has Blessed You!!!

1 comment:

Sara Joy Martin said...

Love it! Thanks for your openness and transparency. I love you and have loved being your friend for years. You are the kind of friend in my life that Aaron talks about. I am so thankful for you!! love you!