Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reaching Your Lost "Peers"

So the subject or theme of the last I would say four weeks maybe even longer in our church has been "reaching your lost peers". Our church's motto is "Love Reaching". If you look in this neat book called the Bible, you'll find countless examples of how to be Love Reaching. But are we really that? Do we really make a difference in our co-workers, friends, families, and general human contact we have? I've heard several sermons, on-line from our old church, and from our new church home that is preaching, even screaming to me that we aren't going to bring people into our church with a great program, worship, or free tootsie rolls at the door. We have to be different, meaning the people we come in contact with need to see a difference in our lives. Living in the south now I've noticed many people I've come into contact with have either been to church a bunch when they were younger, and quit going or still go now, but when they leave the pew on Sunday it's over, the act is gone. The fake I'm a church goer disappears. We go back to the barely can get by day to day, I'm going to be happy if I'm with my friends, or have instant gratification type of life. Let's be honest we all do it, I've got something to look forward to I'm doing this...or us women buy crap to make us happy, and it only last a few moments. When there's not some sort of instant gratification we sit there and wonder what's the next thing that's gonna get me through today. So how are we going to make a difference in people's lives if we live the same type of life except we don't cuss, drink, smoke, and go to church every Sunday. We the people that are hard to love! Cause guess what you need Jesus to do that, you can't do it in your flesh, in your flesh you can even love other Christians, but that one person that complains all the time they aren't easy to love.
2.Listen to people really listen, two people in my shop have recently told me that I am the only person that they talk to that really listens. Dang!!
3. Be content in God's presence, we forget sometimes that truly he is all that we need something I learned quickly after I got married is that guess what even having an amazing husband can't make you completely happy cause he is only a man He's not Jesus! Nothing I mean nothing will replace God in your life, try other junk I did and guess what the only thing that made me happy was Jesus!
4. Ask for God to use you and be willing, cause He will I guarantee it, He needs workers.

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