Monday, February 1, 2010


Luke 12:1
Be on your guard against the yeast of the pharisees which is hypocrisy.

Yeast is used to make things grow, ex. bread.
Hypocrisy is defined as an expression of agreement that is not supported by real convition.

I had a conversation with some folks this weekend that got me thinking. It was a small group ages ranging from 29 to almost 70. The question that was asked was why are so few young adults in church. Our church is small, and our demographic is mainly made up of folks in the older generations. One older woman said what will it take to get young people to want to attend??

Are the young adults in our community sick of hypocrisy in the church? I've heard that as an excuse before, people have based church attendance based on ill experiences from childhood.
What about music will that bring young people in? More programs?? I'm curious what will it take??

Conversely the youth group in our church is growing....I feel that ministry will take the kids as they are and invest in them, regardless of how many times they've fallen away.

If someone were to listen to the heart of our pastor and his wife it'd be hard pressed to deny that their heart is to see people come to Jesus, no matter the past, or the outward apperance, nothing would excite them more to see a diverse population arise at our small church.

Any thoughts??

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